Picking out the right bookmaker is just as vital as your sports betting experience and skills. Before you make that step, make sure you research well on several names you have chosen and pick the one that suits you best. In fact most of the time you don’t even have to choose, since it’s preferred that you keep multiple accounts to take advantage of the odds.
See some bookmakers generally give higher odds for Under/Over Goal bets, others for Asian Handicaps bets, third for Win/Lose bets, and you get the picture of what I am saying. In order to benefit from this little tip, you would have to maintain several accounts. Is this really worth the hassle you would say? Yes, in the long term it is.
So what kind of bookmaker are you looking for, and what are some of the aspects you will not want to miss?
First, and probably most important, is your bookmaker loyal to its customers. A lot of bookmakers will be super nice to you, if you keep on staking and loosing your money. The moment you start winning, consecutively and a lot, their attitude towards you starts changing. I am not saying all bookies do that, but some do, so watch out for them.
The job of bookies is nothing more than to put their money’s worth at the highest possible player who is most likely to come out the winner and they never stick to one player all the time and continue searching for better prospects by providing btts tips for other potential bookies.
Second, be sure to check the payout time and the customer support. It’s the internet, it’s automatic software, the betting scripts make mistakes! Nothing to worry about, but make sure your bookie customer support answers fast. You wouldn’t want to wait for 3 days to get a response if let’s say some of your money are missing.
Be sure to checkout the payout time as well. Once again you will not find it pleasant to be waiting around for your money to get transferred to your account.
Third, be sure to know the minimum wager amount of your bookie. It’s important for your money management and it’s crucial to your overall success. A betting systems that uses combination of 15 bets will cost your $7.50 if your minimum wager is $0.50 and $15.00 if the minimum is $1.00. Might not seems like a big number, but again in the long term it matters a lot.
Last, but certainly not least, look for user reviews! This might be your bets bet, to determine which bookie you are going to pick. A great place you can checkout is the SBR Forum where you will find a lot of customer reviews, reported problems, as well as a professional evaluation grade. What’s even better is that you can actually turn to them if you run into a problem with your bookmaker and they will try to help you out solve your problem. Click here to visit them.
I actually highly recommend that your bookmark that page for future reference. From looking over the forums they have helped a lot of customers when their good bookmaker goes bad. Stick to their recommended list as well, this way your sports betting experience will be hassle free for sure, and it will depend solely on your skills and discipline.